12 Key Financial Wellness Tips Everyone Needs


VIP Contributor
Financial wellness is a key component of mental health, and it's something that everyone can benefit from. Here are 12 tips for living your best financial life:

1. Create a budget and stick to it.

2. Know your financial goals.

3. Get help from a professional financial advisor or coach.

4. Track your spending habits.

5. Make sure you're saving for big purchases as well as small ones.

6. Spend less than you make every month.

7. Keep an eye on credit card balances and pay them off on time each month (even if they're just $1).

8. Pay off your debt as soon as possible, no matter how small the amount.

9. Set up automatic payments for bills, so you never forget to pay them on time!

10. Save money in an IRA account or other investment accounts if you qualify for one.

11. You should keep a minimum of three months' worth of expenses in an emergency fund, and make sure it's kept liquid so that you can access it quickly if needed!

12. Don't use credit cards unless it's absolutely necessary and then pay them off as soon as possible!