Causes of fibroids


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fibroids are abnormal growth that developing or the woman you trust sometimes this tumor become quite like that cause severe abdominal pain and every period in other cases because no signs of symptoms at all non-cancerous because of fibroid is unknown variables are also number the following isthe type of fibroid in woman develops depends on his location in or on the uterus intramural fibroids are the most common type of fibre this type appear within the muscular wall of the uterus fibroid may grow larger and can stretch your womb what causes fibroids it is unclear why forgot development several factors may influence the formation a Trojan and progesterone at the hormones produced by the ovaries they call the uterine lining to regenerate during each menstrual cycle and may stimulate the growth of fibre fibre may run in the family if your mother sister or grandmother has a history of this condition may develop it as well risk or fibrous older in higher body with what are the symptoms of fibrods if your tongue is very small or you are going through menopause you may not have any symptoms from it shrink during and after menopause women undergoing menopause expensive drop in their levels of estrogen


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Fibroid is a very bad thing that do happen to women. Fibroids is an abnormal growth within womb in which if its occurs the woman may not be able yo conceive again.
Some times there are some ladies that are yet to marry but they have already had it and the only solution to this is to evacuate it either by operation or through any other means.