
  1. Zina

    Complications of Fibroid

    This is the commonest Benign tumor init is common in Nigeria and in general very common among black women what cause fibroid is not yet known but some factors such as genetic race nuliparity and infertility are associated with occurs mostly in the body of uterus but may also occur in the...
  2. Bashbash

    Causes of fibroids

    fibroids are abnormal growth that developing or the woman you trust sometimes this tumor become quite like that cause severe abdominal pain and every period in other cases because no signs of symptoms at all non-cancerous because of fibroid is unknown variables are also number the following...
  3. Bashbash

    Fibroids Hormones diet and natural treatment

    why there is no foolproof way to avoid fibroids also have been diagnosed with this benign tumors , there has certain foods that may help ,and there are others to avoid , since dietary changes may help keep small growth in check , why is this balancing your hormone levels can help manage fibre...