ATELECTASIS (Collapse if the lung)


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Here I will like to explain more about the the diseases call Atelectasis.
Collapse of the lung is not a primary disease or condition which obstructs the bronchi or interferes with the respirations. Either blockage of bronchus or interference with the expansion if the lungs in the respiratory movement causes the affected lung or parts of the lung to collapse in to a solid airless condition. This interferer with the normal respirations and causes varying degrees of distress according to the extent of the collapsed lung area.

(1) Most commonly, pulmonary collapse calling for immediate treatment is seen post - operatively. Here, sedation due to the anaesthetic depresses the cough reflex and allows thick mucus to collect, which then obstructs the bronchi, causing varying degrees of collapse.

(2) Pulmonary collapse us also always a constant danger in prolonged coma and ,as in post-operative collapse, calls for energetic measures in prevention and treatment.

(3) Carcinoma of the bronchus commonly causes atelectasis.

(4) A foreign body lodging in a bronchus

(5) Again, it should be remembered that any fluid or air accumulating in the pleural cavity can cause collapse of the lung by pressure from outside.