Employees duties to his or her employer.


A business organisation is managed and controlled by employees and employers and in fact a successful business organisation usually consist of employees and employers. These employees and employers have series of duties and obligations just as they have series of benefits and gains as they put their head together to carry out business goals and objectives. This business goals and objectives does not only benefit the final consumers of the product in which they sell or render but somehow these goals and objectives as well as duties and obligations also benefits each other.

For the purpose of this thread we will be talking about the employees duty and obligation towards his or her employer . First of all and employee is expected to carry out every responsibility passed on to him or her by the employer, secondly and employee is expected to share his or her opinion in which the employer especially in areas of decision-making and organisational interrogations. Another important duty employees old to the employer are fiduciary duties, which entails that employees in location should expose the secret of the business organisations to outsiders such as business rivals and competitors. They have been series of situations in which employees expose is the secret of his employers business to outsiders such as business rivals and their business competitors and to be sincere the result is totally devastating.
This is law part or what was written in agreement. In reality employer let employee work after time and doesn't pay them a dime for extra working hours.