Are employees only entrusted with the duty or task to achieve business goals and objectives.


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You could obviously be ready to say and think that an employee or the reason why an employee or worker is being employed is only to achieve a side business tax and objective in order to accomplish business goals and objectives . But have you ever for once ask yourself do employers and workers have any other activity that they should perform aside from accomplishing business goals and objectives . Absolutely and obviously he is there are some other activities solely advised by a worker or an employee to share or take part in a particular business organisation . first and foremost and employee also have the duty to share his ideas and views about a particular business decision , idea , or choices . The business employers should also entrust towards his or her employees the ability to take part in making business decisions and ideas .

An employee who has also entrusted with the duty of keeping business secret confidentially , every business is weather in Large-scale or small-scale have secrets that they do not want unauthorised member or possibly members of the public to know about or to have access to . The ability for one employee to keep a business secrets confidentially , is actually or professional known or referred to as his or her fiduciary duties towards his employer or manager and towards the business as a whole .
Every business or company is established to achieve certain goals or objective, a good and we'll establish business always have it mission statement and vision statement for the business to follow. The mission statement state clearly the purpose of establishing the business and the goals and objectives it tend to achieve while the vision statement project into the future what the business in tend to achieve or where it want to be in the nearest future. To achieve both the company mission statement and vision statement, the Company must employ people that could help them achieve their aim. When a company employ it worker, they train them purposely to help the company achieve it goal and objectives, the mission statement and vision statement will be the guide for it workers. This does not mean that worker can not share better opinion with their employer as long their opinion will add positively to the growth of their business. An employee can bring good advise to the company management that can help in the company to achieve it goal.
A company will always want to employ a worker that will have the ability to help the company achieve it goal and objectives.
It is actually commendable and congratulate her to see that many employees and workers in various business organisations and commercial Enterprises actually endeavour to do their best in saying that their employers or managers business goals and objectives and being achieved and accomplished as planned or expected . But to be sincere employees duty of accomplishing business goals and objective is actually not the only reason why an employee or worker is employed because the next since he has other duties to play in a business organisation some of which include making decisions as well . It is very thinkable and understandable to say that making decisions is only done by the business manager but that is absolutely not true because a business manager or a business owner is not considered to be perfect in his ways and dealings that is why he can seek the attention of his employees and workers to help him to make the best and right decisions that will benefit the business in a RH positive way .

You must not take your employees as strangers rather you must view them as being part of your family but in this case your business family and just as they accomplish your business goals and objective their decisions and ideas also counts towards you and towards the business .
Employees to a large extent is like the life wire of any company. You can put every other thing together but without any worker those things will remain where they are because there's no physical hands to get things done. So employees do a lot more than just keeping to the company's rules and seeing that tasks are excellently carried out.

As you have mentioned some workers especially the top officers are let into the secret of some businesses. Like when it comes to being unique some companies are very different with their products and this might just be the ingredients used or the style of designing the product and most of the people that do the production are the employees so they will have the information but they will never sell it out because they want their company to still be unique and mysterious as they are.

Workers are also employed to see them they are always people around to help out in any way possible. This is for workers that don't have any work cut out for them. They can help In any department so what this means that they are always hands to make production as easy as possible.
Goal that we set aside for the business are diverse and the employees that are employed are also saddled with the responsibility to carry out some researchers on how to add value to the business. Having said this, before you take up a job you should know the modus operandi of the business, which means you should know your task or activities in that particular company.

The task of the accountant is to ensure that the company's account is kept safe and is effectively managed to avoid bankruptcy. That is why we have specialisations in all companies we work on. It is very important that you should know your responsibilities before taking up a job and you shouldn't take up a job that you cannot execute effectivevly and that is the essence of using your qualification to get employed in any company.

This is basically what all the company does and that is how it works. So, an employee should perform the task that was given in order to achieve the set target of the company that you are working in . The business owner must have had a lot of plans that rally round the success of the business and responsibilities would be shared for all the employees that are working under that company.