Effects of deficit employees recognition in workplace


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When there's no celebration of worker's achievements or good deeds in the workplace , the workers feel underappreciated.

The thing is that humans like praises for a job well done no matter how small. So workers always need recognition by their bosses for a job well done especially if they just hit a professional milestone.

So a workplace deficits in this would be affected by the following ways

The workera will feel unsupported and unappreciated by the organization which can lessen their morale.

Employees might not know what good performance is about in their workplace

With the deficit of worker's recognition this might bring low productivity, or low quality of work to the workplace.
The problem is that some business leaders think that when they celebrate an employee, it would give such an employee a sense of arrival the staff to start feeling indispensable. But it is a morale booster for any staff when their achievements and breakthroughs are celebrated. The same bosses that would fail to celebrate their staff would be the one to emphasize and re-emphasize the mistakes of the staff. When you appreciate and celebrate your staff, you give them the boost to strive for more.