Earn Money Writing the posts in advance on a word document


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Being a freelancer for many years now I have learned how to write safely. What I mean are some issues when you are writing a post and the site wouldn’t budge because you have lost your connection. Lately I have been experiencing that some of my posts were being deleted by the system. Fortunately I am a safety writer.

I write all my posts in a word document in advance especially the new threads. A long post should not be written directly on the site to avoid accidental deletion. When I do my posting I copy the thread or comment from the word document and paste it on the forum. Aside from the safety of my written posts I also have an accurate record of my earnings. The only problem with my style is when the forum would prohibit the pasting of posts just like what Bizdustry had done before.
Yes, I also used to use MS Word for my posts and after the word count and subjecting to the grammar and spell check I normally post the thread or the post on any site.

But here when I tried to do so the Grammar and spell check is still showing some grammatical mistakes despite I am getting clean chit in MS Word on 'Grammar check' so I am directly typing in the 'Word Count' and 'Grammar Check' and then I copy the content to post it.

This is working great for me.
Trendri requires at least 120 words. To come up with an idea instantly as soon as open the compose box, and then wite 120 words is not happening for me. Therefore, I always write Topc threads for Tendri when I have ideas and I am in a writing mood. Once I write the posts on a word document, I post here when ever I can.
This is a very good idea and also to ensure that you are writing the right thing but then it is not a method that I employed because I consider it to be stressful. Whenever I come up with an idea I prefer to write it in the comments box and then edit it manually until it is okay.
Wow this is a good strategy that you are using to write unfortunately I have learnt from what you have posted because I have been writing on any website directly and I do make mistake, I will be doing that right now to avoid writing mistake and some typographical error, this is the best writing strategy you have have revealed to us.
Yea!You have spoken the truth but you can write only thread in MS word document where you can also check grammar, spelling, and other mistakes what may be in case of writing. I think, in case of Trendri, it is possible to write directly online. Trendri itself also solves some problems like spelling, word counting and some grammar too.