Why some business owners are afraid of relocating their business.


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In my previous thread I totally explained and emphasized on the relocating of the business environment possibly from one area to another as a result of increasing his business outputs and the encountering of customers and clients . But in this thread we are basically talking about why some business owners feel that relocating their business is not a good idea . First of all you must understand that there are a whole lot of things that could cause a business owner to relocate his business from one area to another and one of the most uncalled circumstances that possibly cause a business owner to relocate his business is when the government is possibly financing and building a capital project or building a community infrastructure in the environment which also leads to the demolishing and eradication of business activities and even residential houses in such area in order to create space to build the infrastructure for Capital projects .

In majority of cases this could be seen as a threat to the life of existing business in such an area and most business owners do not feel comfortable relocating their business especially if they are 100% successfully conducive with their present environment . But whatever the case may be the end of relocating and sometimes majority of them are fine better environment than the previous one while others may keep searching .
While some business owners who won and manage commercial organisations and other small-scale businesses and not conducive with the area or with the environment they seems to establish their business they are other business owners who also manage and control certain business organisations whether in large-scale and small-scale that are indeed conducive with the present area in which the business is located or situated . These business owners do not consider themselves leaving their business environment that is relocating the business to another area possibly because they are making more than enough profit and income in the area their business is presently situated .

But sometimes the reason why a business owner may move his business to another area may not be planned but totally unforseen just like the one you mentioned above . Truly a business owner may be forced or threatened to move his business to another area when the government tends to establish a capital project or a commercial infrastructure in the area in which business already exist and I definitely will lead to the demolishing of both commercial buildings and residential buildings in the area in order to create sufficient space to build the infrastructure or capital project . Infrastructure such as road , airport , oil refineries and other industrial base capital projects are some and not all of the common project carried out by the government which absolutely lead to the relocation of businesses to another area .