Why so many click funnels are not working


VIP Contributor
Many people think that clickfunnels is the best tool for building a sales funnel. However, there are several reasons why many people are not able to figure out how to get the most out of this software.

The first reason is that they do not understand how to use it in the right way. They understand the basic concepts of using it, but do not know how to actually implement them into their own business.

Another reason is that they buy into the hype around this software and think it will solve all their problems without having any knowledge of what they need to do first. If you buy into this idea, then you will be disappointed when you find out that there's more work than you expected and you have wasted your money on something that doesn't work for your business.

Do not buy into the hype around clickfunnels and do not try to find quick fixes for your business problems in this software because if you do so, then you will end up wasting money on something that does not work for your business needs and goals.
I've noticed a lot of people are confused about what is clickfunnels and how it works. So I'm going to try and explain what ClickFunnels is in simple terms.

ClickFunnels is an automation platform that helps you build, launch and manage your sales funnels.

It's like an email marketing platform that enables you to create beautiful sales funnels.

You can use it to setup your own autoresponder, ecommerce store or membership site. You can also use it to create sales funnels for your existing products or services.

Why so many click funnels are not working?

The reason for this is the lack of a clear goal and purpose.

When you create a click-funnel, you should have a clear goal in mind. And this goal should be related to your product or service.

If you don’t have a clear goal in mind, then it’s hard to know where to start or what to do next.

You need to know that there is a need out there, and that people will buy if they see they can get something out of it.