Why skilled personnel's are had to obtain.


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One goal of every business organisation towards productivity is to recruit or employ employees , staffs , and workers who are rightly disposed and who have the requisite authority , ability , and capacity to use their skills and knowledge to achieve expected business goals and objective through the tasks and duties assigned to them by their employers , boss or managers . Although business organisations long for this type of employees some of them are not fortunate to employ them due to some certain obstructions that is caused as a result of economic or political related factors . What then are these obstructions and hindrances well below are some of them :

LACK OF GOOD TRAINING INSTITUTES : in most regions of the world especially in developing countries , business organisations situated within it are first with unskilled employees cost as a result of no good training institute , schools , and colleges . And so after this individuals graduate they do not have the requisite authority and capacity to be creative when it comes to business activities .

INEXPERIENCED SKILL TUTORS : just as a cat cannot give birth to a dog so can an inexperienced teacher cannot produce an experienced and skilled student . More schools and colleges are filled with inexperienced teachers and tutors who are not experienced and equipped with knowledge concerning various aspect of lives example business , science , and art and so as a result of the inexperienced nature they are not able to impact the right and proper knowledge to the students to equip them for the future .
xD, your last line of message is so hilarious. Their is nothing like that, a cat can't give birth to a dog. That's to say, without a quality teacher or tutor a qualified graduate can't be made. In order to achieve the expected goal, a qualified teacher is needed to bring the best out of the students to excel in all their endeavors for life and not languishing in a position of not depending what they've learned. Such is exactly what should be addressed in a company before accepting any employee. The employee should be checkmated, it will help the company to pick out the best for that position when it comes to hiring employees.