why should a firm practice competitive supply


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there are three types of supply which are composite supply joint or complementary supply and competitive supply but I will only capitalise on competitive supplier and when should a firm practice competitive supply.

the term competitive supply of course or takes place where many commodities are being supplied for the satisfaction of a precise purpose. now in this kind of supply commodities have been produced for a particular purpose which can serve as an alternative or a substitute for example needs of fish, Ariel detergent or clean detergent, mymy or close-up toothpastes.

but why should a firm practice this kind of supply?
when a friend goes into a computer supply it gives the consumers or client the avenue for them to choose in varieties. when a client approaches a particular firm or organisation the products that will be displayed might not meet his or her test but because the practice computer supply that is the display of multiple commodities or product he will have to choose the one that will meet and fit his satisfaction. most times when a client enters into a firm to purchase a particular goods road and for him to come out empty-handed because he can't find the particular type of goods or commodity he will come out handful because such firm do practice competitive supply.

and this kind of supply can make a firm in greater income and make more profit does paying the worker salaries on time