Why Mining Difficulty Levels Are Rising Each Year So Much?


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Mining is one of the ways many people make money. Mining refers to the process of generating crypto coins or tokens when transactions take place. Whenever people send crypto, miners charge a small fee for making the transaction on the block chain. This business is one of the greatest business ever conducted on a large scale. The big problem is that the difficulty levels associated with mining coins. Difficulty refers to complicated calculation a machine makes to process or mine blocks. Mining difficulty of Ethereum was 1721 in March, 2019 and in March, 2021, it was 6077. This suggests that mining difficulty is rising consistently and it will not drop to its previous levels. Mining difficulty of Bitcoin did drop in July, 2021, but this drop was not that much significant. What makes mining difficulty rise so much?
We cannot know the actual reason why the mining process is becoming difficult everyday but I believe one of the reason why this is happening is because that is how it was designed to be. When bitcoins was created by satoshi nakamoto , it was actually design that as the mining process continue , the mining procedures should become more difficult , Maybe this was to prevent quick mining of bitcoins..

And now , what I have come to understand is that bitcoins have been mined by almost 80% and the remaining 20% would likely take up to 100 years for it to be completely mine.
I don't know but I believe every day the mining process becomes more difficult and even more difficult , making it almost impossible for bitcoins to be mined at a greater rate.
The main reason for this was to prevent over circulation of bitcoins from mining process .