Why It’s Important to Rebalance Your Portfolio Regularly


Investing in the stock market can be a great way to build wealth and save for retirement. But it’s important to remember that investing is not a “set it and forget it” kind of activity. To ensure your investments are performing as well as possible, you need to regularly rebalance your portfolio.

Rebalancing means adjusting the proportions of different types of investments in your portfolio so they match up with your desired asset allocation—the mix of stocks, bonds, cash equivalents, and other assets that best meets your goals and risk tolerance. When markets move around (as they always do), some parts of your portfolio will gain value while others lose value—and over time those gains or losses can cause the proportions in which you hold each type of investment to become out-of-whack with what you originally intended them to be. Rebalancing helps keep things on track by bringing everything back into balance when needed.

But there are other benefits too: Rebalancing forces investors to buy low and sell high because when an asset class has done particularly well (or poorly) relative to its peers, rebalancing requires selling some shares from the outperforming asset class (to bring its proportion down) while buying more shares from underperforming classes (to bring their proportion up). This strategy helps investors take advantage of short-term market fluctuations without having any particular insight about where prices may go next; instead they just follow a disciplined approach based on their long-term goals rather than trying guess which way prices will move next week or month or year!

Finally, regular rebalancing also serves as an emotional check against making rash decisions based on fear or greed during times when markets seem especially volatile; if you know ahead of time how often you plan on rebalancing then all those wild swings won’t have quite such an impact since no matter what happens between now and then everything will get brought back into line eventually anyway!

In conclusion, regular rebalancing is essential for keeping portfolios aligned with investor goals while taking advantage opportunities presented by short term market movements – plus it provides much needed discipline during times when emotions might otherwise lead us astray!