Why is it Bad to be Smoking?


VIP Contributor
There are many reasons why smoking is dangerous to your own and your family' s health.

1. Smoking Increases the risk if cancer of the lungs and lips. ( The more you smoke, the greater the chance of dying of cancer.)

2. Smoking clauses serious diseases of the lings, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema ( and is deadly for persons who ready have these conditions or have asthma).

3. Smoking can help cause stomach ulcers or make them worse.

4.Children whose parents smoke have more cases of pneumonia and other respiratory illness than children whose parents do not smoke.

5. Any woman who is smoking and have pregnant at that moment the pregnant will not develop very well by look smaller and develop more slowly that babies whose mothers did not smoke.

6. Smoking do increases your chance of suffering or dying from heart disease or stroke.

7. Also, smoking costs money. It looks like little is spent, but it adds up to a lot. In poorer countries, many of the poorest persons spend more on tobacco than the country spends per person on it's health program. If money spent on tobacco was spent on food instead, children and whole families could be healthier.

Any body leader or parent who smoke set an unhealthy example for children and young people, increasing the likelihood that they too will begin smoking.


The funny thing about this is that alot of smokers today are completely aware of the damage smoking causes yet they still smoke. Even doctors, I have come across doctors who smokes as well.
Smoking is dangerous to our health cause it affect our lungs and kidney even so many part of our body systems and smokers are liable to death and the funny part of it that’s is make us look old.


VIP Contributor
Smoking could lead to cancer and it is one of the leading causes of lung diseases. Smoking can also cause many diseases such as cognition problems and other kinds of brain damage because the toxins in the cigarette reaches all parts of the body through blood circulation and this might lead to organ failure. I would not be surprised if smoking leads to liver and kidney failure as well. I cannot tolerate smokers around me at all. I hate the smell of smoke and I really wonder how come people smoke cigarettes that are filled with toxic substances that ruin health very quickly!


Verified member
When you smoke you increase the risk of having different disease like kidney disease cancer and other disease which is not good for the body.also when you smoke you start to get high and the brain Also start to malfunction.so don't smoke because it's dangerous to the health and causes bad things


New member
Smoking damages almost every organ of the body and organ system of the body and decreases
the general health of the person. Smoking causes cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx,
mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, liver, pancreas, stomach, cervix or cervix, colon and
rectum, as well as acute myeloid leukemia (1-3).