Why is it advisable to research before establishing a business .


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Sometimes when people develop or come up with an insane but profitable business ideas . They are usually rushed to implement them without doing proper research about the business they intend to establish . The scenario given above has been the foundation in which many businesses and companies are established today , and no wonder the collapse , fail , liquidate , or go bankrupt .
So in order for this to happen it is advised for a business owner to put into consideration some certain factors before establishing his or her business .
The act of researching does not involve researching only about internal factors about the business like how many steps should be employed , the business brand and name , type of asset that the business should initially acquire etc . , but external factors counts also .

External factors like how the business should react to What customers , where the business must be located , to what population size of the population should the business services ensure to meet and finally how to make sure that their customers are satisfied and comfortable .
With the following guidelines business I had to properly research and analyse on expect like this because they are the main key for a business vision which is to flourish .