Why does being poor not the end of money making


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In this world we have both the rich group and those in the poor group, the rich are those who could provide for their needs and other financial issues that have occur either around them, while for others who are on the poverty or poor stage they do not have much to offer when it comes to money they can not escape if any financial issues arose they are vulnerable to poverty attack.

Many people have view poverty as the last bus stop to failure the don't think that they would be able to step up again so they give up hope of working hard to succeed, but instead one need to work out his best to succeed and they by doing so he fine out best business that he would engage in which would help him progress to a profit able one.

With the skills or knowledge he has he could do more and help bring up his income back to a more balance and successful point.
To me as long as you're still alive there is no need for you to stop working or engaging in something that will be profitable to you . A lot of people are fun of making this mistake that they have passed the stage of making money and because of this they relax and enjoy poverty.
This is not the best way. Poverty should never be enjoy because it comes with so many challenges and we shouldn't give any excuse that we are not able to make money because the same world is what other people are using to enrich themselves ..
The most important thing is for us to try as much as possible to engage or look for any legitimate opportunity to make money , we just have to focus our mind , concentration and all our whole time to work in developing our knowledge to a point of making money from such.
That is true. Poverty is the last bus top of not having money. If someone does not have money then it means that the person is poor. Because someone is poor does not means that he has lost hope. If we check history of some rich people, we will see that most of them are from a poor background and because they had hope that they will make it, that is why they worked hard and they are now rich.

So been poor and seeing some people making it life has been a challenge to some of them and they knew that there hope is not lost. Most of the poor are now looking into what they can do to make money and most of them are doing things they know that will earn them money. So because someone is poor did nit mean that he has lost hope to make money.
To be sincerely in the world today, everyone needs to find ways to make money whether rich or poor. Every person needs money to satisfy for their basic needs and other purposes. Therefore the poor will toil here and there to bring at least one meal in a day only. Bearing in mind that there is a deficit of the remaining wants since they can't make ends meet.
Yeah everybody should know that making money is a continuous process and this doesn't mean that you must make all the money in a day. I used to tell people that's so long you are still living you should be prepared to make money but a reasonable person will also make money and save some for tomorrow.

Don't just make money and finish it at a go because you think you make money tomorrow. yes you make money tomorrow but also save some money in case you don't make much tomorrow you can make do with your savings. People need to know that life works with some principles and if you want to get the very best of it you must seek out the principles, adopt them and use them wisely this way you'll be able to make the very best of all your life endeavors and what will better your life.
Reading your thread, I'm interested in discussing or just commenting. People who think that Poor is the end to make money, indicates that person has given up hope so he is reluctant to face challenges even though it is not too difficult and he will always bless me can't, that's difficult for me, people like this will never try something new . Poor people are not only those with low incomes, but there are also poor people with high incomes, namely people who prefer to maintain their prestige and live a luxurious life even though their income is high but cannot cover their expenses so they often go into debt.
This is the same thing I keep telling whoever cares to hear when they are low on finances. one thing about life issues is that there is always a way out when you are confronted with problems whether financially or otherwise.

You need to look at the alternative or the other options that you have and try to make the best of it. Being low on money or broke does not mean the end of the world for anybody it's all about being in a position of lack of money at that time. The key word there is at that time you can turn around your story even the next minute by being up and doing and making money people need to know that money making is an unending process when you wants to see money making that way then nobody should think he or she is poor we need to continually make money to have money in our pocket.
Someone could be poor just because all his earning are spent to IRM and medical staffs because he has a child how needs special care and you know that price of medical threatements are exponential prices these days.
So he may occurs some debts and also may borrow from people that let him poor person even earning a lot of money.
This is one reason that it reputable for many of people that have such kind of expenses.
This is for a person having good salary but if someone have a little salary then his salary doesn't even let him do one chirigucal operation to his son on the hospital and per subsequence he will have a lot of debts.
Means by subsequence being poor is not something bad because the situation imposes such problems to the poeple.
The truth is that money is very important in life because we cannot survive without it. We need money to cover our needs and the needs of our family every day. Undoubtedly, there are people who are rich and their life is comfortable whereas there are people who are poor and their life is difficult. I believe that poor people must never give up and find ways to earn money and be happy again.

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