Why do you need a source of income as a pastor?


Valued Contributor
I have heard people screaming that they have a call from God to establish a church. Some of them resign from their full-time jobs to focus on pastoral. I strongly fault this line of thought and action. I think that with the demand for pastoral work nowadays, a person even needs money to succeed as a pastor.

I just stepped out from a ship that sells sound equipment. I asked one simple question. How much would it take to install a sound from scratch? The amount I was told was so huge. How can a person that just heard God's call, with nothing at hand afford that

I think a person should have a source of income to take care of himself. In these days and times, people are particular about aesthetics. They would flog to beautiful churches. And a pastor must meet the needs of parents and teachers. I repeat that a pastor should have a no.
Actually, there are some churches that make it compulsory for their pastors to resign every other job they are into and focus on church work. And that is the more reason why some pastors quit their jobs and focus on pastoring.
Now, these kinds of churches pay their pastors reasonable amounts of salaries and sometimes not just the pastor but his wife as well if he has one.

This is usually enough to sustain the man of God but of course there are instances that are exceptions to this and thus, a pastor has to work extra to earn more.

Now even if a pastor gets paid by the church and the church does not permit that you work extra, such an individual can engage in online money making. This is something the a pastor can do when he's off and earn money to augment his monthly salary if he is being paid.
Good anwser

Paul Abel

Actually, there are some churches that make it compulsory for their pastors to resign every other job they are into and focus on church work. And that is the more reason why some pastors quit their jobs and focus on pastoring.
Now, these kinds of churches pay their pastors reasonable amounts of salaries and sometimes not just the pastor but his wife as well if he has one.

This is usually enough to sustain the man of God but of course there are instances that are exceptions to this and thus, a pastor has to work extra to earn more.

Now even if a pastor gets paid by the church and the church does not permit that you work extra, such an individual can engage in online money making. This is something the a pastor can do when he's off and earn money to augment his monthly salary if he is being paid.