Who manages an affiliate program?


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Usually, an affiliate manager or a team of managers are the one who oversee the program. They're the one responsible for recruiting affiliates, managing campaigns, and they also ensure that everything runs smoothly too. In some cases, a brand or merchant might manage their own affiliate program in-house. But often, they outsource it to a third-party affiliate network or agency."
Affiliate networks like ShareASale, Commission Junction, or Rakuten typically would have a team of managers that are responsible for handling the day-to-day operations. It is good to like that sometimes, a dedicated affiliate marketing agency are the ones who takes care of the program management .
We need to put into consideration the size of the program because a single affiliate manager might be effective to manage a small affiliate program but group of managers might share responsibilities in a big affiliate network. In addition to affiliate managers, the other roles are the affiliate coordinators or affiliate support specialists and they are the ones to assist with program management. You should know that some companies have an in-house team for affiliate program management but I have seen others outsource it to experts in the field.
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Typically, an affiliate program is managed by the company or organization that owns the product or service being promoted. This includes creating program terms, establishing commission rates, and giving marketing materials and support to affiliates. Some businesses use third-party networks to track clicks and commissions, among other things, as well as provide additional resources for affiliate achievement. Irrespective of management approach, successful administration and communication are necessary for program success and satisfaction on both sides — companies’ as well as affiliates’.