Which one among these is more Painful and Dangerous: ACID INDIGESTION, HEARTBURN,AND STOMACH ULCERS?


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Acid indigestion and 'heartburn' often come from eating too much heavy or greasy food or from drinking too much alcohol or coffee. These make the stomach produce extra acid, which causes discomfort or a 'burning' feeling in the stomach or mid- chest. Some people mistake the chest pain, called ' heartburn', for a heart problem rather than indigestion. If the pain gets worse when lying down, it is probably heartburn.

Frequent or lasting acid indigestion us a warning sign of an ulcer.

An Ulcer is a chronic sire in the stomach or small intestine, caused by too much acid. It may cause a chronic, dull (sometimes sharp) pain in the pit of the stomach. As with acid indigestion, often 5hr pain lessens when the person eats food or drinks a lot of water. The pain usually gets worse an hour it more after eating, if the person misses a meal, or after he drinks alcohol or eats fatty it spicy foods. Pain is often worse at night. Without a special examination (endoscopy) it is often hard yo know whether a person with frequent stomach pain had an ulcer or not.

If the ulcer is severe, it can cause vomiting, sometimes with fresh blood, or with digested blood that looks like coffee grounds. Stools with blood from an ulcer are usually black.

WARNING: Some ulcers are painless or 'silent', and the first sign is blood in vomit, or black, sticky stools. This is a medical emergency. The person can quickly bleed yo death. GET MEDICAL HELP FAST.
Their is no health issue that is acceptable by any one. I wouldn't accept any one, no matter how less severe it can for another. I see every illness as a hindrance to daily activities, that's why I am praying to be strong and stay health all time. But, we are humans at times we suffer from one health issue to another, and ulcer is one of them.

Ulcer is simply pain that comes as a result of our gastric oxide releasing harmful or acidic substance that caused an internal injury in our body. It can be as a result of harmful alcoholic substances we consume everyday, starvation can still cause ulcer. That's why, it is advisable to eat at the appropriate time and eat what's productive and rich in our body system to help our body to groom well and avoid contracting ulcer, which causes us pain whenever we eat food that is too salty or pepperish food, or take substances that is burning or hot. It has remedy, avoiding those substances that hurts or worsen the condition is one of them, not eating food that is burning to our system, like, eating pepperish foods or taking alcoholic substances etc.
Ulcer is a wound in the stomach or intestine that is caused by a certain bacteria which was discovered by 2 Australians. I read that article in the Readers Digest sometime in the 1990. In fact, I was given the medication to treat me of a possible presence of ulcer because of the recurrent pain in the lower abdomen. Now it is clear that I am having acid that produces gas to make me burp.

Heartburn is scary when you do not know it. When the acid is getting to be a lot the tendency is to go up the throat. When that happens there would be a slight pain in the chest. When you get worried the pain would increase that it would be like you are having a heart attack. That happened to me before that is why I know all about heartburn, ulcer and an acidic stomach. But now I just take antacid and the acid and gas would vanish in a few minutes.