Which entrepreneur or CEO do you feel inspired about.


VIP Contributor
There are so many entrepreneurs and ceos of various companies and industries some of which are even considered to be popular and known among us such as mark Zuckerberg , Elon musk , Jeff bezos , billgates , Steve jobs , Richard Branson Mark Cuban etc . With that being said , there are some of them that have possibly share their experience on how they were able to grow their business making it to reach higher and greater heights . And we can learn a great deal and good from your experience . The one that happened to touch me so much experience given by bill gates who is the main and core found of Microsoft . At first it wasn't so easy for him when he first found Microsoft but with the help of his friend Allen who was somehow his co-founder he was able to stay strong and they push his establishment and its profoundment into the next level .

Bill Gates parents believe that he could be great by being a lawyer but instead he wanted to establish a company and become an entrepreneur of his own together with his friend Allen . In 1973 billgates gates went to Harvard University but dropped out 2 years later as a result of his ability to not fit in . He later secured a job at Honeywell in buston . Gates and his colleague found Microsoft in 1975 , and at that time Microsoft was worth $200,000 due to not having a stable sponsor to further their projects . Time passes and some good prospects came their way . Now Microsoft is worth more than $4.5billion and even topping the chat . What an awesome and interesting example that we can follow .


VIP Contributor
I so much feel inspired about the experience and story of Bill Gates and how he was able to become successful and even included in the most richest men on earth . Bill Gates as we already know is considered to be the starter or the founder of Microsoft , and although he had a friend that help him together to build the Microsoft software , but somehow his name seems to be the most paramount in the both parties . He started his entrepreneur and business and invention from scratch without the help of any individual but before he was able to successfully do so , he had requisite education at Harvard University back in the year 1973 .

But around the Year 1975 he was able to come up with an invention which totally changed the world and have so much impacted the world . Initially during the 90s Microsoft was actually worth within the range of 200,000 dollars to 500,000 dollars . But presently today Microsoft is worth more than 6.5 billion dollars according to my research .