When to call in your customer service department


VIP Contributor
When a customer has an issue that needs to be resolved, it is up to the company to provide support. However, if you are unable to resolve the problem, it may be time to call in your customer service department and get it resolved.

If you are dealing with a complex issue that requires technical knowledge, start by following these steps:

1) Call your customer service department. If you can’t figure out how to fix the issue yourself, ask for help from someone who can.

2) Explain what you’re doing and why. This part is important because it will help the customer service representative understand the situation better and give them an opportunity to offer suggestions for solving your problem.

3) Ask for their help if necessary. If they suggest that you contact another department or let them know when they can assist with this issue, follow up on their request immediately so they don’t forget about it later on down the road!


VIP Contributor
When you're working on a new product and you get customer complaints, here are some steps to take:

1. Get the facts. You need to know what the customer is complaining about, when it happened and how often it happens. You also need to know what happens when other customers do the same thing. For example, if one customer says you didn't give them their money back when you promised them, another may say the same thing happened to him or her.

2. Listen carefully to what your customers are saying and how they say it. Do not interrupt them or talk over them while they are talking. Give them time to explain their situation and let them finish before offering an answer or making any further comments or suggestions about what should be done by both of you (or by someone else).

3. If possible (and practical), follow up with customers after they have spoken with you so that they can tell you exactly what happened and how they feel about it. If there was a problem with the product that should have been corrected but wasn't corrected right away, ask them if they would be willing to wait until it was fixed before returning their order or canceling it completely.