What's The Hype About Collagen & Why It's Essential For The Skin


Collagen is a protein that makes up the tissue of your skin, hair and nails, as well as the connective tissue that holds your organs in place. It's what gives them their strength, elasticity and flexibility.

If you've ever gotten a massage or tried to pick up heavy weights at the gym, you probably know how much collagen can help your body and how much it can improve your skin. When you have strong collagen in your skin, it gives it structure and strengthens it so that it lasts longer than if there were no collagen in there. Because collagen is so important for healthy-looking skin, many people are looking into using products with collagen. And while they may seem like they're just hydrating masks or moisturizers, they can actually do a lot more than just make your skin look good. they can actually help repair damage from sun exposure or other environmental stressors like pollution.