What you should know about affiliate marketing


Working from home have the best and comfortable ways of making money. You don't have to set boundaries and limit yourself in any way. You choose where you want to work and what you want to do.

However, it seems to me that working at home over a cup of tea is much more enjoyable than working in a factory doing a hard physical work.

The opportunity is great and can change ones life and place you in the level you want to be.
This is true. Especially if you be your own boss. The problem sometimes is getting something to work on, online. Something that suits your skills. Sincerely, if you find an online job that you fit in and it pays you well, the better. I mean waking 4am and moving out by 5am and coming back home by 8pm everyday is enough damage to one's health. I'm not saying anyone should be lazy, but some kind of offline jobs out there can be harmful to ones life.
I complete agree with Jasz's opinion. Once you feel like working from home, two things happen.

1. You get addicted and glued to your chair for long hours which can cause eye problems and back ache.
2. Secondly you feel like eating more of junk food. When you are sitting for long hours obviously you get habituated to eating more and physically moving out less which makes you gain weight.

The outside world of meeting near and dear friends comes to a stand still. In fact working from home get's you more focused and makes you excited to watch more and more ads and product offers on the internet thus shifting your focus from meeting friends physically to getting glued on the chair for long hours researching more ways to make money online. Its always a good idea to allot some time to work from home and some time to meet friends.