What you need to know about Facebook marketing


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To my understanding, I believe Facebook marketing simply means to use one’s Facebook account for a marketing purpose and get paid for it but in a place like Nigeria, most people are not that enlightened about such idea, what most of them believe is that fact it is just a platform meant for only fun which is not so.
There are some few ways to use your account for this kind of task which I know of, and guess what? You will actually be paid for it because it is not free obviously. Some of the methods are;

1. For referrals
2. Dropshipping

1. For referrals: This is one brilliant idea to use it for, you can actually receive money from people or let me say small businesses in order to refer people to them and to patronize them, but truth be told, this can only work out well for you if you are popular on Facebook. This way, you will use it as an advantage for yourself.

2. Dropshipping: This is also one of the many ways to use your Facebook platform for marketing purpose, just become a dropshipper and use your account to promote the brand you are actually work for, and it can also be inform of affiliate marketing.
I think this is a good idea though, and as a matter of fact I do not think that I have been chanced to know about this until now, this is because I myself is not that informed, I mean imagine someone in his or her room making use of this opportunity to earn some cash from the comfort of his or her home. Now I know of course that information is power as they say, some informations are not that much or special but if you use it properly, it might earn you a lot of money than you can ever think of