What really pushed you to earn online?

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Remember, not every one love to earn online, majority believes online is saturated with scams. And as such, they aren't interested to push themselves to earn money online, since they aren't going to be paid. While some, are simply tied to laziness of pressing their device so long to earn money online. They don't see themselves holding their phone or PC and staying indoors to do some micro job tasks, or skilled tasks online to earn.

That's why you can never win their heart even when you preach million times to them trying to lure them to earning money with you online. They've made up their mind to keep being lazy and chatting all nights on social media and earning nothing.

I wouldn't go too far to talk about their challenges online, cos, the world will always have people like that. The answer is: not everyone can earn online, those who are earning are the users who aren't comfortable with unemployment and being lazy. Not that, majority of people who doesn't love working online are lazy, No. Some, love offline jobs that ties them down and not having much time to earn online. While some simply fancy just offline gigs.

What really made you to fancy online gigs at the moment?