What kind of business would you not engage in, no matter how profitable?


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There are so many reasons why so many of us get into business which could include things like , trying to get ourselves engaged when we get retired, trying to meet the demand of a product or service that is out of place I'm the environment where we reside or are doing business.
However, everything boils down to the fact that we all want to make some money and lots of it at that. There is no one in business that would say they are not interested in making some profits out of the money they may have invested at the beginning of the business.

Nevertheless, there are still some individuals who have made up their minds to not engage in certain business for certain reasons that are usually only known to them. Some it is usually based on cultural beliefs or some religious beliefs, that is why they are not interested in considering some business ideas at. Though there are still some people that do not care about these beliefs and would venture into any business, provided it is profitable.

Do you have any such business that you won't ever engage in it no matter how profitable it may be at all?
You are right. There are some businesses that some individuals would not engage no matter how profitable it could be. At times, it might be due to their culture or religion values. There is actually one business I would not engae in and this would be selling of hard drugs. I do not have what it takes to confront or banter words with people from different cartels. Inasmuch as most of these drugs have their usefulness when recommended by a doctor to be taken in its right proportion but now these drugs are being abused that is the more reason there is a restriction in it. Even selling of cigarettes, I cannot engage in it because my religion frowns at it. Inasmuch as I am not the one consuming it but if I happen to indulge in selling of cigarettes, it means I am in support or encouraging people to do same and there is always a general warning that smokers are liable to die Young especially when it becomes a habitual norm. I would not also engage in rearing pigs, we eat pigs in my region but I see it as a dirty animal and I would never have the patience to clean them up.
Car or motor racing Sports like formula 1
There are a lot of businesses that I would never get engaged with no matter how profitable they are.
Alcohol: More people die from alcohol related conditions compared to hard drugs or other diseases like cocaine, heroine, etc. Therefore I think people should never engage in selling or manufacturing alcohol because it is slow poison.
Tobacco: Tobacco is number one cause of cancer. Therefore, I would also never engage with selling or manufacturing tobacco related products.
Pornography: Porn is a big business, and a business that never goes into recession. However, I will never engage in porn related business. This is something I hate.
I understand that making money is my number one priority right now and almost everything that I am doing is one step taking me closer to that. This does not mean that it is every kind of business opportunity that I see that I am going to engage myself in it .

Offensive businesses . The world right now is very sensitive and as such people usually take things about their culture and religion very seriously as well. I do not think I am going to want to invest into a business that is going to sound provocative to a particular group of people especially if they are my target audience .

Fraud. In as much as I want to make money I also want to be proud of the means in which I am making the money . This is why I am never going to be engaging into any business that is going to require that I steal from somebody or deceive somebody .

Drugs and illegal business. Different countries in the world usually have rules and regulations that are binding them but internationally anything regarding drugs is completely illegal . I do not think I will be ever engaging in a business that has to do with drugs or it is illegal in that jurisdiction.
Of course there are some businesses that some people actually call it business but it is not all that good to invest in such. We should try our best not to invest into businesses that can cause harm to other people.

One of such is children and women trafficking. This type of business is common in Africa, they kidnap people and sell them out for huge some of money. This is in- human as we have gone past the era of slavery. But many people still call it business which is very bad.
The last type of business I will like to talk about is selling harmful drugs like cocaine. This is also very bad and it is discouraged by the government. Many people use too much of it and end up in damaging their brains or may even die at the long run. Though, I heard if they successfully deliver the drugs to the destinations they want it to get to, they will really sell it for good price and make a lot of money but the business is very bad and must not be allowed in our societies.
No matter how much one get or can get from such businesses, one must not do it.
The world have actually made majority of people believe that making money via illegitimate and an advisable ways is totally more profitable and more lucrative . Although if practice that could be absolutely true but it is unadvised for us to make money by indulging in negative and unpracticable ways of making money . For example the selling of contraband products such as drugs and prohibited drug related substance and chemicals is absolutely a way to get rich quick but the risk in taking such business into consideration is totally not advisable by any country that I know of . First and foremost you make yourself an enemy to the country in which you live or reside and secondly your life become threatened in the sense that you could become addicted and the consuming of these drugs and contraband drug related items and matters .

It is assumed that the selling of 1 carton of cocaine is worth half a billion dollars , to be very sincere this indeed is very profitable but yet they risk in doing so how to practice this kind of business is absolutely very high . Majority of individuals have got killed and majority of individuals also have gone to jail being imprisoned for the rest of your lives just by engaging in such illicit and illegal businesses like these .
One business I don't think I would ever get involved in is selling of alcoholic drinks, no matter how profitable it might be in the future, I would never go into it. My reasons for this is that I do not drink, so I see no reason in selling what I do not consume, infact it makes no sense, then there is the fact that my religious up bringing would not also allow me do such. I know the dangers of drinking, it's like me selling poison to others.
Each and every one has his dream job and the one he detests for one reason or the other. Though there should be dignity in what we do but the dignity may vary from person to another. To me, there are some which I think they don't dignify me and I can never do such businesses, they include:

Scavenger collector: My parents do tell me that money is in the wildest places. I believe but I can never go far as collecting dirty things just because I need money. I do see some people that will go to the dirties place just to get some discarded items.

Pornography: I have been introduced to this business several times especially when I was in school. I was told I can make more than $500 with just a film. That's a juicy offer plus the fact that there will free s*x with different girls. But my dignity will never let me go so low to that extent. I just watched a video of a lady sleeping with a dog for $ 3000. What a shame.

Outlawed businesses: there are some businesses that government has outlawed, I can engage in them. For instance, kidnapping and Fraud.