What is the causes of Pneumonia and Treatment?


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This disease is an acute infection of the lungs. It often occurs after other respiratory illnesses such ad measles, whooping cough , flu, bronchitis, asthma or any very serious illness, especially in babies and old people. Also a person with AIDS may develop pneumonia.

The sign that one has been infected with it is that:

- Cold sores often appear on the face or lips.

- Rapid, shallow breathing. With little grunts or sometimes wheezing. The nostrils may spread with each breath.

- Fever ( sometimes newborns and old or very weak persons have severe pneumonia with little or Jo fever).

- Cough ( often with yellow, greenish, rust colored, or slightly bloody mucus).

- Sudden chills and then high fever.

- The person looks very I'll.

A very sick child who takes more than 60 shallow breaths a minute probably has pneumonia.


- If the person is wheezing , an anti- asthma medicine with theophyline or ephedrine may help.

- Ease the cough and loosen the mucus by giving the person plenty if water and having him breathe hot water vapors. Postural drainage may also help.

- Give aspirin or acetaminophen (paracetamol) yo lower the temperature and lessen the pain.

- Give plenty of liquids. If the person will not eat, give him liquid foods or Rehydration Drink.
Pneumonia symptoms is likely to happen in cold weather and it is a bacterial infection, a doctor will always give you an antibiotics that will help to cure the disease and sometimes the antibiotics will depend on the severity of the disease.. when do we experience pneumonia it is always the right thing that we talk to our doctor as soon as possible because if it is not treated properly it can even be more dangerous because the bacteria can cause mucus to be secreted into the lung which prevents oxygen from passing through.. it can kill people from from oxygen deficiency..