What is Diverticular Disease?


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Diverticular disease cab be described as a small outpouchings of the lining (mucosa) of the large bowel may form,probably due to spasm of the bowel causing increased intraluminal pressure. This is associated with a western (low residue) diet. These diverticulae occur usually in the sigmoid colon. They may be completely asymptomatic. However,if infection develops,an abcess may form in the wall of the colon causing acute diverticulitis.

The patient is usually middle-aged or elderly and often ones. Pain in the illiac fossa associated with nausea and vomiting are the presenting symptoms. The patient is usually constipated.on examination there is tenderness in the left iliac fossa. The temperature is usually raised and signs of dehydration may be present.

The diagnosis is made on clinical symptoms and signs. The treatment is to rest the bowel. The patient is given nothing by mouth, and if vomiting occurs, a nasogastric tube is passed. An intravenous infusion is instituted to replace lost fluid and antibiotics are usually given. On this regime,the condition usually settles spontaneously. Once resolved itbis important to arrange a bari enema examination and sigmoidoscopy to exclude a carcinoma of the colon which may co-exist.