Causes of heart disease


Active member
This heart disease can also be called coronary heart disease usually occurs when the plaque develops in the arteries and the blood vessels which lead to the heart which blocks important nutrients and oxygen from watching the heart there are a lot of factors that can cause heart disease like:

Obesity: when you are obese as it increases the risk of developing some certain diseases in the body which can endanger the health and lead to heart disease.

High cholesterol: when you eat high Calories food that can contribute to high cholesterol in the body which this cholesterol is very bad for the health which may increase the risk of developing some certain diseases in the body.

Smoking: as we all know that smoking is very bad for the health as it can lead to death because of the content so this smoking can actually endanger the heart health and cause heart disease.

Eating unhealthy diet: it can also be one of the reasons why you can have heart disease because eating a balanced diet is very important for our health so when you don't eat healthy food it can increases the risk of developing some infections or diseases in the body so we should make sure we take care of food we eat daily to avoid any health issues.