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A token is a computerized resource made from a Smart Contract with a pre-laid out information design to ensure the satisfaction of the agreement in a decentralized manner. Its purposes can be extremely shifted: from conceding an option to paying for a task.

These sorts of resources are utilized for various purposes.
Contingent upon what they will be utilized for, they are grouped into various sorts, for example, Utility Tokens, Security Tokens, Equity Tokens. What are they? What are they for?

The most utilized today are Utility Tokens , since cryptographic forms of money are utilities, or at least, utility tokens that act for the purpose of installment for this situation. As far as it matters for them, Security Tokens are a type of cryptographic blockchain development service tokens connected to conventional monetary or security protections. At last, the Equity Tokens allude to the kind of token upheld by a sort of customary resource, like an organization or a property (every token addresses a piece of the property that is tokenized).