what does Canonical URL mean on a search console?


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I have added many of my posts to Google search console so far am they have been indexed while many of them where excluded for no reason but that aside for now. I added one of my posts to Google search console and I got an error saying that I should add canonical URL which I don't know the meaning, infact I have never heard the word Canonical before snd I was wondering what Goole wanted from me but the problem now is that I have tried many ways to fix it but no solution.

I have even checked my site cpanel wether any errors are coming from there but I don't see anything wrong at first I thought something was the post that was the problem but I have reviewed the post over and over again but no solution has been seen for now I really need help to know what a Canonical URL means.
In fact, the canonical page parameter is an SEO parameter. Usually if a site has several duplicate pages, then one of them should be the main page and be defined by the "canonical" parameter. Duplicate pages may have different URLs, but it is important to identify the main page among them. The parameter is part of the HTML code and is written with rel="canonical".​
Canonical URLs are the search results that you see in Google Search Console. Here's what they mean:

1. Canonical URLs are the unique identifier for each website published in Google Search Console. A canonical URL is the one that best represents your content on the web and will be used to find it in search engines.

2. If you have multiple pages with the same title, but different content, then they will all appear as duplicate results when you do a search on Google or another search engine like Bing.

3. Canonical URLs help you identify which page is being indexed by a search engine, so you can make sure that only one copy of your page appears in search results.

Canonical URLs are a way to make sure that you're not getting mixed up with other pages on your site.

If you're not familiar, they're essentially the canonical URL for a page. It's the one that Google uses to determine which page is most relevant to a user's search query. And if you want to make sure that Google knows about your canonical URL, you have to tell it about it. So if someone searches for "banana bread recipe," and you have an article titled "Banana Bread Recipe" on your site, then the canonical URL for that article would be "https:// www. example.com/banana-bread-recipe/". This lets Google know that when it comes time to rank a link or a page in search results, it should consider only the original URL of your target page — not any other pages on your site with similar titles (or similar keywords).
I have added many of my posts to Google search console so far am they have been indexed while many of them where excluded for no reason but that aside for now. I added one of my posts to Google search console and I got an error saying that I should add canonical URL which I don't know the meaning, infact I have never heard the word Canonical before snd I was wondering what Goole wanted from me but the problem now is that I have tried many ways to fix it but no solution.

I have even checked my site cpanel wether any errors are coming from there but I don't see anything wrong at first I thought something was the post that was the problem but I have reviewed the post over and over again but no solution has been seen for now I really need help to know what a Canonical URL means.
You can check for errors using the ahrefs.com website. It will suggest how you need to adjust to the standards set by the Google search engine.
For some browsers like Edge the default navigation browser is Bing not Google means it is term for only users of Google as search engine as I understand.

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