What does a real estate agent do? .

A real estate agent is someone who assists clients in buying and selling homes. They help clients find their ideal home, and then go to work negotiating on their behalf when it comes time for the deal. A real estate agent also has a lot of connections and industry knowledge, which means they can help you find financing for your new or existing home. That said, not all agents are created equal when it comes to this part; some specialize more with mortgage lenders, while others might be experts at finding your perfect loan (or not).

Mortgages are a big part of the business, and a lot of real estate agents can help you with those. As home prices and mortgage interest rates rise, the process of buying or selling a home gets much more annoying and complicated. However, a good real estate agent will know the best lenders in your area, how to find out what you qualify for, and how to get you a low interest rate. They can also recommend reputable appraisers who will provide objective valuation services so you aren't caught up in an appraisal that is either too high or too low.