What can bring about inflations in buying and selling


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They are different things that could cause inflation to occur and they include the following:

Increase in demand:
When the demand for goods and services is greater than supply, this results in inflation.

Low production:
Low production of goods and services can lead to their scarcity and when supply cannot meet up with demand, inflation set in.

War is seen as the major cause of inflation as people no longer produce, resulting in high volume of money pursuing fewer goods.

Increase in salaries and wages:
When salaries and wages are increased, without corresponding increase in supply of goods and services, it can lead to excess money in circulation chasing fewer goods.

Population increase:
A sudden rise in population will result in a corresponding rise in Dena d for goods and service and if there is no corresponding rise in supply, it will result in inflation.

Level of importation:
High cost of importing raw materials can lead to high cost of goods, which is passed to chasing fee goods and services

Inadequate storage facilities:
When goods produced cannot be stored for future use,it can lead to scarcity, resulting in inflation.