What are the most common and deadlier infectious diseases that affect human health?


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Infectious disease is a condition or state that is caused by viruses or bacteria some infectious diseases will not proves deadly for human but some are most dangerous that even take the human life .Some common infectious diseases that are not too dangerous or harmful are cold and flue ,diarrhea, stomach aches and headaches etc infectious diseases are transmitted from person to person so we be taking precautions steps about it and avoid to make any physical relationships with them .On the other hand if we talking about deadlier infectious diseases then Tuberculosis, HIV or AIDs and also malaria involve in this category AIDs is caused by homosexuality and it is very contagious diseases and very dangerous also it transfer from person to person .Hepatitis B is also considered the most common infectious disease and people that are suffering from it face many difficulties in their life .Hepatitis B affects 2 billion people in the world .Polio,tetanus, ,influenza and chickenpox are the childhood infectious diseases there also so many deadlier and common infectious diseases that affect our body health and also there are some symptoms of every kind of infections diseases i also wany to read more about this through your comments