What are the factors hindering development in West Africa .


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The concept of development , should be one of the main duties of governmental leaders to the country or society in which they need . Development in an economy refers to the increase or the decrease in the level of national production , national income , and per capital income of the people . The main purpose of economic development is to raise the standard of living and the general well-being or welfare of the people living in that economy . Hence there are some factors which are considered as obstacle which affect or hinder the economic development in areas like West Africa let's consider some of these obstacles :

* due to the lack of inadequate infrastructural facilities like water electricity roads economic development in West Africa has become low or is in a diminishing rate .

* majority of leaders in developing countries do not direct well the humans and natural resources of such countries and this lead to low economic development .

* Over dependence on imports rather than export of other agricultural or mineral product has allowed developed Nations to dictate the pace of economic development in Nigeria .hence high level of import discourages economic development .

* The high rate of illiteracy and uneducatedness of the majorities among the population in developing countries , many people cannot read and write and this eventually leads to low development in areas like this .


Verified member
Am actually glad you specifically said west Africa because other parts of Africa is gradually leaving west Africa behind, even Ghana may not be included anymore amongst the countries in west that is not developing or improving. West Africa generally should be one of the most blessed if not the most blessed region in Africa in term of resources, both humans and natural resources. I ma very sure that the resources we have in the whole of Africa should be enough to cater for the whole earth. But despite all these west Africa and Africa generally is still living in poverty the reasons are not far fetched, one of the reason I will like to say here is over reliance on spiritism that really affecting us we depend so much on religious belief rather that Use our minds to think and help ourselves. Again I with.say our level education is another issue we are truly battling with as some west Africans are not thinking right. They have a very poor mentality of who they are. Then one of the biggest issues we truly have again is high level.of greed, our greed level knows no bounds. This has made many people to cheat the systems.


Valued Contributor
The major problem associated with the development of west Africa is the lack of education, there is a saying that goes thus; that "if you want to hide something from a black man put it in a book". This is because he will never find it, the black man find it difficult to read and search out information the gift of a black man is talking and talking. This what has put a black man in the situation he has found himself or herself. The key to development in any nation is definitely education, America is know all over the world as a developed nation and this is not because of trade and finance but as a result of it width in terms of education. We say knowledge is power and knowledge can be acquired when one is educated. The leaders in Africa and west Africa are very much aware of the fact that their followers are not educated and they keep exploiting them on almost all front. They deceive them and make them to stay away from school but not building enough schools and by not financing the educational sector the way they ought to this has crippled the economies in west Africa.