What are the best sites and tools for influencer marketing?


New member
Well, I use YouTube for influencer marketing because it is the second best website used by millions of people.

From teen angers to 60-year old granny, almost everybody from every single group now uses YouTube to fun and learn.

So there’s no doubt that it is the best site where you can easily reach your target audience regardless of your niches.

So for influencer marketing, I picked YouTube over other sites. And it’s paying me off.

As for the tool, I found Jocial to be best and most effective solution for finding YouTube influencers.

They have a simple search box along with multiple handy filters. And whenever you type a keyword or niche name, Jocial will then instantly find a list of top influencers from those niches.

And from that list or search results, you can easily choose an influencer who seems appealing to you.

Jocial automatically pulls off all the data and statistics of an influencer and how does his channel perform. So you can read those analytics to find out a right influencer worth working with.
And once you find a good influencer, you can send him a quick message using the “send invite” button right from the main dashboard.

So, for searching YouTube influencers, Jocial is definitely a great tool. It’s easy to use, has useful filters to be specific with your searches, and most importantly, it shows needed data to be successful with influencer marketing.

Check out here to learn more of it and the features it comes up with Jocial - Nexus Between You and Best YouTube Influencers.