What are some ways to start over after a failure


Deleted member 13140

Failure is part of life. Dust off and push on.. it only gets better.
  • Accept responsibility for your own failure.
Don't let your ego/pride get the best of you, the very first step to starting over is accepting you failed blame no one or circumstances.

  • Revisit your vision:
They is a popular quote that goes - All things are created twice
1. Mental creation
2. Psychical creation

Before you embark on anything you have already pictured how it would be like.

Connect back to your vision and re-establish it, add some changes from the things you learnt.

  • Forget the past and focus towards the future
our past can hold us stagnant for years, once you deal with the past I believe looking to the future won't be a difficult task.
The past will always be the past, you can't change it, you can only embrace it. List out what you did, both good and bad, lessons, and combine them to build a better future

  • Always Remind yourself of past success
Failing doesn't mean you're useless and worthless, always remember your past victories and count them as blessing.

  • Don't let your past mistakes hold you back
I don't know what your past failure could have been but I might as well include this.

If you had a reputation, I suggest you focus of repairing it, so future endeavours will be taken seriously by the people that surround you.

  • Recognize when you haven't succeeded.
The saying persistence pays off might be Questioned if you have been constantly falling, you need to recognise what you're doing wrong.

Being able to recognise what you're doing wrong refers to you being able to cast it into something that is more likely to succeed

"Remember you didn't fail multiple times, you found multiple ways that won't work for you"
Yes, when we notice that we aren't doing well, we should know the problem centres to not doing well. We shouldn't keep on saying, push on. Pushing it on means delaying our progress. It is better to figure out that which we aren't doing well in our business. Seek professional advise, from those who knows how to do business better to guide us.
Failure is not the end of the road for a man,sometimes it makes man to be bold and confidence in life.If you fail,look back at your mistakes and be more focus and determined you will rise again.but not trying again after falling is not the best because it kills the ability in one.Most great men in life as one way or the other failed before rising.
This is really an encouraging post to help those that have failed already to start all over again. You need to Know that you can still make it so all you need do is to forge ahead. Don't look at your failure but remember that you can. Get up another time and get going to be the winner you have destined to be
Failure is the surest teacher of success. There is no successful person that has never failed in one way or the other before achieving that success feat. When we fail, we need to forget the past but we don't need to forget what it taught us. We should try harder to learn from what the past has taught us. This will make us better and avoid the future occurrence of the same mistakes.
One thing that we all need to learn from a young age, is how overrated failing actually is. It’s a big problem for many of us to fail and can seemingly be life-changing. However, failure is a key part of developing as a person and will usually require you to go through a suitably challenging experience to get to the stage where you really start to feel the price of failure hitting you.
Failure is part of success, we need to pass through the phase of failure to reach success. Failure shouldn't be looked as the end, or as a discouraging factor, it should be an encouraging factor to push us to our success. Though, failure is hard to accept but it is through it we can have energy to push ourselves to success.
This is a very good article, it is always very important that people understand the main reason why they failed at the first place because that is actually very important. When you understand how you failed and what caused it, then you are definitely on your way to success. It is also very important move ahead and look upwards towards the next phase.
Yes, when we notice that we aren't doing well, we should know the problem centres to not doing well. We shouldn't keep on saying, push on. Pushing it on means delaying our progress. It is better to figure out that which we aren't doing well in our business. Seek professional advise, from those who knows how to do business better to guide us.
Yes definitely, you know a lot of people believe that persistency is key. So even when they keep failing they think the secret is to keep pushing on. But the truth is if they don't figure out where the issue is, they keep failing
This is really an encouraging post to help those that have failed already to start all over again. You need to Know that you can still make it so all you need do is to forge ahead. Don't look at your failure but remember that you can. Get up another time and get going to be the winner you have destined to be
Yes, they also have to identify what caused the failing in the first place
Yes definitely, you know a lot of people believe that persistency is key. So even when they keep failing they think the secret is to keep pushing on. But the truth is if they don't figure out where the issue is, they keep failing
That's the simple advice that can come from any one who have been exposed to the four walls of the world, when it concerns business mostly. A lot people will be in the dugout given you false hope that will never materialize in life. The best is to discover that which caused you failure and amending it.
It is best that you put it in front of your mind that starting over after filling in business is never an easy thing. You should not blame yourself too much for it. You should then go back to the drawing board to actually know why the previous business failed and the new strategy that you will put in place in order to avoid a recurrence.
When you've learned about what cost you failure, develop other strategies after learning and accepting your failure. Then you can start over again to chase after business success. Nothing is impossible to achieve it comes from our determination to carry on and forgetting about our short comings to reach that target we craved for.
It is best that you put it in front of your mind that starting over after filling in business is never an easy thing. You should not blame yourself too much for it. You should then go back to the drawing board to actually know why the previous business failed and the new strategy that you will put in place in order to avoid a recurrence.
Exactly, the truth is nothing is easy, and the fact it if you fail in your business and give up and never make it later. Then that is your fault.
Your fault because you gave up.
It's very good to accept responsibility of failing , because that is definitely what would give you more confidence on having that mind on restarting and finding new ways and strategies to make the business dream come true , also the person should never give up but keep trying to acheive his aim
It's very good to accept responsibility of failing , because that is definitely what would give you more confidence on having that mind on restarting and finding new ways and strategies to make the business dream come true , also the person should never give up but keep trying to acheive his aim
Well some people actually accept that they failed in a different way.
It's more like "God I failed to start a business am never going to try it again"

Of course he accepted but no confidence, so I believing accepting is the first step, but not the step to confidence, but on the other hand the step to confidence is revisiting your vision.
The reason you started, I think that is strong enough to get you back on your feet.