Ways To Monetize Your Physique


VIP Contributor
Are you toning up or firming up your body to be very fit. Are you trying to be healthy or you are gyming to get that perfect physique. You can do this and also make money with your perfect fit body.

So how can you make money with your perfect physique

Become A Model.
You can approach fashion houses and other modelling companies to model for now.

Compete In Bodybuilding Contests.
Don't have that well toned body for nothing you can take part in different fashion contest and you can make good money from participating

Create A Fitness Blog
Go ahead to create a fitness blog and share your training, routine and others with your readers . You can monetize the blog afterwards.

Kick-Start A Career as a Personal Trainer.
You can become a personal trainer to others and make money. And you can start your own supplement company to make money

What do you think about using your physique for money?