Ways to Get Free Traffic to Your CPA Offers.


VIP Contributor
There is a method to get free traffic to your CPA offers.

The first thing you need to do is make sure you're using these two traffic sources:

- Quora

- Facebook Groups

These two platforms are gold mines for the kind of traffic you want. They're both full of people who are looking for solutions. And if you play your cards right, you can use their own desires against them and get them to click on your link.

The second thing you need to do is use this three-pronged approach:

1) Find a keyword that's popular in the niche you're targeting. Then put that keyword into Quora and see what questions come up with it. Now pick out the ones that have the most views or votes, because that means they're the ones that people are searching for most often. Once you've got your question picked out, go post an answer with a link back to your CPA offer in the text and at the end. You can add some light SEO and ranking tips to it, too, if you like.

2) Go join Facebook groups that focus on whatever niche you're working in (for example: if it's health related, then find groups about health.) Now go!


Verified member
Good for sharing this with us. I think there are some people on this platform who are or want to promote CPA offers and this will be very important post for them. I was previously promoting CPA but now I think I have pause for some reasons but I will later promote it again. Quara is a good place to promote you CPA offers because Quara is a well known media where a lot of people come to discuss about things