Ways to generate income on digital marketing


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One of the best way we can make good sales in digital marketing is by selling an offer and not a product
When you sell products and not offer the customer take the initiative that you are doing it for your own personal gain but when you say an offer you are really solving a problem before you even buy a product to sell or goods to sell you must make sure that this product you bought solve problem and when your product solves problem it generates more incomes to you because people or your customer now take the initiative that you actually care about their problem and you want to help them they begin to see it as a big opportunity and they become more interested in buying that product
So this is the little way you can generate more income on digital marketing I can also learn from you what do you think
Yeah, you're right, digital marketing is an activity to offer/promote a product or brand, not selling a product, with the aim that viewers can find out that the product you are offering exists. Digital marketing success will depend on the website or blog, as well as the social media you use. On your website, you must always present quality and SEO-friendly content.
01. Use Podcast for Selling Products
02. Income via YouTube Channel
03. Income via Affiliate Marketing
04. Personal E-Commerce Store
05. Develop an App and Monetize
06. Teach Online by selling Recorded Videos or taking live classes
07. Create and sell Logo Visuals Designs Online
08. Creating a Blog Website and monetizing it
09. Create and Sell eBooks or Audiobooks
10. Sell your or Client’s Digital Products and Software’s
11. Start Freelancing Service
12. Make money by Selling your Website or Blog
13. Earn by Selling Domains, Hosting, Themes, and Plugins