Want to Make Money Online? Try Freelancing


VIP Contributor
There are a lot of ways to make money online, however, you should forget about everything and just focus on freelancing. Freelancing is the best way to make money online for a couple of reasons, such as...

You do not have to spend any money, you can join freelancing platforms right now and start earning.

There are a lot of freelancing platforms that you can try, if you find some platforms competitive or if you are unable to get any jobs on a certain platform, you can always try alternative platforms.

You can earn a lot of money (highest paid freelancers are earning $200-300K per year).

In order to freelance and earn money, you need skills that are in demand. People hire freelancers to do jobs and you need skills and knowledge to do these jobs. Build skills in multiple areas in order to increase the chances of getting hired. You can try online learning platforms to build skills.
There are a lot of ways to make money online, however, you should forget about everything and just focus on freelancing. Freelancing is the best way to make money online for a couple of reasons, such as...

You do not have to spend any money, you can join freelancing platforms right now and start earning.

There are a lot of freelancing platforms that you can try, if you find some platforms competitive or if you are unable to get any jobs on a certain platform, you can always try alternative platforms.

You can earn a lot of money (highest paid freelancers are earning $200-300K per year).

In order to freelance and earn money, you need skills that are in demand. People hire freelancers to do jobs and you need skills and knowledge to do these jobs. Build skills in multiple areas in order to increase the chances of getting hired. You can try online learning platforms to build skills.
I fully agree with every single word you mention in your informative thread about freelancing. I have tried several earning methods online so far but unfortunately, the earnings are so low. So, now I am concentrating on freelancing. I know it is difficult to be a freelancer because some skills are required and there is a lot of competition. However, since the earnings are high, I will definitely give it a try. Thank you for your helpful post.
You can make money online as a freelancer, this is very possible but one thing is that you will need a skill that is why it is good to acquire some skills that are marketable and you will be able to make money on freelancing sites.

The thing is that clients on freelancing sites always need people that will give them the best for their money. So if you are good with your skills you will do better on the platforms as you will have a good portfolio to always show all the intended clients and with this you will have repeated clients that will always contact you for new jobs so it's not only about signing up for freelancing sites is about having the right skills to be able to give your clients the best so that you do well on the platforms. The bottom line is that you can make money on freelancing sites.
You can make money online as a freelancer, this is very possible but one thing is that you will need a skill that is why it is good to acquire some skills that are marketable and you will be able to make money on freelancing sites.

The thing is that clients on freelancing sites always need people that will give them the best for their money. So if you are good with your skills you will do better on the platforms as you will have a good portfolio to always show all the intended clients and with this you will have repeated clients that will always contact you for new jobs so it's not only about signing up for freelancing sites is about having the right skills to be able to give your clients the best so that you do well on the platforms. The bottom line is that you can make money on freelancing sites.
That's right. I agree with you. Freelancing is a very profitable earning method for those who have the right skills. I am interested in freelancing but I do not think that I have the required skills. First, I should learn a few things before applying for freelancing jobs.
Freelancing is undoubtedly a very lucrative venture but you should bear at the back of your mind that you will need the necessary skills and knowledge if you really want to succeed.

The first thing you need to do if you want to become a freelancer is to look for a skill and acquire. There are a lot of platforms in which you can go to and acquire the necessary skills like Udemy.

With some amount of money you can pay for those courses and enroll on them and after some period of time you'll be able to offer them on different freelancing platforms like fiverr and so many others to make some good amount of money for yourself.

Freelancing also requires a lot of consistency if you really want to succeed because there are a lot of people who want to make money through freelancing and therefore competition is very high.
Freelancing is nice and I don't see anything wrong with that so many people are using it to generate profit for themselves but at the same time we need to really understand what freelancing is all about. Working on freelance platforms such as fiverr or any other one you know might be quite stressful most especially when you are just new into the freelance platform.

The reason so many people have difficulties as a new freelancer is because a lot of people that are hiring freelancers in those platform will not want to hire them , but will mostly focus to hire people with better rating on the platform than you without any single rating.

But in any case people are still making money as freelancers , it will all depends on what you are interested. it is not a get-rich-quick scheme and that is what every new freelancers must understand.
What freelancing site would you suggest as a beginner. I have thought of freelancing before and honestly i really want to do it. I decided learn some graphic designing. Though am not a professional yet but am not a novice either. I joined some freelancing sites like upwork but i have not been able get any sales till now, getting customers is pretty much slow and when you finally get some the way they price things can be pretty much annoying.
I think staying committed to a particular organization limits a person professionally and financially. Chances are that when you work for one organization, you would be given a mundane routine of tasks called job description. When you are a freelancer in any field, you are opened up to endless possibilities in your profession. You meet new challenges, solve them and grow professionally. Also, freelancing makes you seem like an ocean service by so many rivers. You can get jobs left, right and center all at the same time. And this can boost your finances.
I also love freelancing because it allows you to pick a job that you can complete. As for conventional work, when you are assigned a task, they don't care if you can accomplish that task. It is mandatory that you must do it whether you like it or not. With freelancing, you get to pick projects that interest you.

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