Visioning and strategic intent


VIP Contributor
Visioning and strategic intent in business
A company's vision is the mental picture of what it wants to become. It provides a clear direction for growth, and can serve as a guide for how a company will operate in the future.

A business must first decide what its core values are and how they relate to each other. Each value has a meaning for the business, but also a purpose for its customers and employees. The strategic intent of a company should be based around these core values and how they are aligned with the current or future marketplace.

The strategic intent of a business is what drives its marketing strategies, customer engagement strategies and product development strategies. It should be communicated clearly through all aspects of the business, including advertising campaigns, websites, social media posts, sales presentations, product labeling and packaging.

The following questions can help you map out your vision:
What are my customer's needs? What does success mean to me specifically? How can we build an 18-hour work week into our business model?


VIP Contributor

Visioning is the process of describing where you want to go in the future. It is a very important step in the business development process because it sets the stage for strategic intent. The purpose of visioning is to set a direction for the future, and it's an important part of strategic planning.

The first step in understanding your vision is to define what you want to accomplish, or what you're trying to achieve. The second step is to determine how you plan on achieving that goal.

Once you have a solid idea of where you want to go, it's time to begin developing strategies for getting there. The strategies will be based on what motivates your employees and customers, along with their goals and needs. Once this has been created, it will be used as a guide for all future actions as well as being part of your marketing materials such as brochures, business cards and websites.