Smith Campbell

New member
Place your ads in high-visibility locations:
Placing your ad where visitors can easily see it increases the chances of it being clicked. This can include the top of your website or a location you have to scroll to see.

Using responsive ad units:
AdSense automatically adjusts the size and placement of your ads based on your website's available space. Responsive ad units allow you to maximize your revenue by showing your users the most effective ads.

Choose high paying keywords:
Keywords with high search volume and high advertiser competition tend to pay more. Use a tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner to research your keywords and their potential revenue.

Optimize your website for mobile devices:
With more and more people using smartphones to access the internet, it's important to optimize your website for mobile devices. This increases the likelihood that your ad will be clicked and will increase your earnings. Check your performance regularly.
Track your AdSense earnings and analyze your ad performance. Adjust as needed to optimize your earnings.

Use different ad sizes:
Experiment with different ad sizes to see what works best for your site. Use AdSense Optimizer to see which ad sizes generate the most revenue.

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