Things you should consider when choosing a career

King bell

VIP Contributor
There are many things to consider when choosing a career. It's important to consider your goals and interests, as well as the types of jobs you're interested in. Look at what your options are in each field and determine which ones interest you the most.

To make sure you're making the right choice, here are some things to think about:

What do I want my life to be like? Think about what kind of job will help you achieve your goals. Are there skills that I already have that can help me with my career? If not, how can I learn new skills to help me get where I'm going?

How much money can I make? Think about how much money you'll need for living expenses once you graduate (or if you choose not to go straight into work). Do those numbers sound realistic to you? Do they match up with where you want your career path to take you?

How long do I plan on staying in this field? If you know that this is the life path for whichyou're looking, then it may be worth waiting until after college before starting a formal career path.


VIP Contributor
To be successful in your career, You have to be the best in your career. You need to be confident, know what you want and how to get it. You also need to know how to make yourself stand out from the crowd and not fall into the same mistake again.

Here are some tips that you should consider:

1. Be Prepared

One of the things that you should consider is being prepared before starting a new job or career path. You need to have all the information about the employer, their company and their job description so that when you meet them for an interview, you will be able to answer all their questions easily and confidently.

2. Be Positive

Another thing that you should consider is being positive at work because this will help you stay motivated and excited about your job which will lead to better performance at work. Being positive about everything in your life will help you achieve great things in life like being successful in your career job or making friends with people who can help support and guide you along your journey towards success.


VIP Contributor
When you're choosing a career, you need to consider what's important to you. Are you looking for a job that'll let you spend time with your family? Or maybe one that'll allow you to travel or work from home. Below are some things to think about when choosing a career:

Your interests and skills. What do you enjoy doing? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What do you like learning about? Do any of those things line up with what it takes to be successful in certain careers? Think about this carefully as there may be more than one option that would work for you.

Your personality type. Do you like working alone or with others? Are you good at dealing with stress and pressure, or do these things make you feel anxious or uncomfortable? Again, there's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to personality types and careers — some people thrive on high levels of stress while others are happier working at a calmer pace — but knowing yourself is the first step toward finding a job that works for both of those things.

Your financial needs and goals. How much money do you need to earn in order to support yourself or your family?.


Valued Contributor
So many people consider how much money they are going to make in any particular area of career they are ready to explore, well I encourage that to be put into consideration because nobody will want to struggle in the university then at the end they are not able to get anything tangible with their degree. .
In as much as that should be put into consideration we also have to understand that passion is another thing that must not be forsaken when trying to choose a career for yourself.
You have to do things you are passionately interested to do and not just for the money alone.

If your passion is not related to mathematics you shouldn't go for any career opportunities that will require you to spend a huge time on mathematics and so on, do something you can succeed base on your personality and also the one that will be profitable.


Active member
In order to choose a successful career, one should consider the following things;
-Passion; one has to choose a carreer one has passion for. It has to be something one like doing or has even if it is just a little interest in, if not one is likely not going to be successful in it.
  • Pay; one has to choose a career that has a good pay. One can't go through the stress of studying for a particular career and at the end of the day get low pay that can't take care of one's daily need. It wouldn't be nice.
  • Amount of time the career requires; one has to choose a career that requires the amount of time one can cope with. Some career s can be very time consuming and demanding and not everyone can cope with that. For example, medical careers.


New member
Career development, retirement plants, yearly income, and also paid leaves.


VIP Contributor
Choosing a career or job is definitely the most immense and intense condition or situation of an individual's life, however one of the most common mistake that majority of job seekers or job applicants usually do in the course of seeking for a job or career is that they tend to focus on the salary amount they are going to receive in a particular job or career opportunity instead of measuring their capability and ability to the job description of the job in order to know whether they will be able to do as expected or possibly they wouldn't.

Having a well-paid job with high attractive amount of salary is definitely the dream of any job seeker, but there are more to be mindful about than being concerned with how attractive amount of salary which include capability and ability and also the possibility for you to grow and amounts in wealth in such job or career environment. You must also be mindful if the environment is kind of discriminative in nature that is if co-employees are from your tribe or region as this may constitute to discrimination if you take over such job opportunity.


VIP Contributor
We always want to have a career that we will enjoy and be able to do it for a very long time so it is always good to choose the career ourselves.

I am one advocate of one choosing one's career personally doing this may give you the opportunity to give yourself a long-lasting profession that you will look back tomorrow and not regret towing the career path so it shouldn't be about a parent or guardian's choosing a career path for a person

When you are ready to choose your career you should think about what it entails if it is what you will derive joy from doing I believe it to be the most important part then you also look at the duration of the career if it is what you will be able to go through to the end and maybe also considered the job opportunities that are available now for the career when once you are done with learning or training.


VIP Contributor
Apart from checking out the passion for the career, it is important to consider whether it is very lucrative doing so. To be honest, it is not enough choosing career base on passion enough, we need to make sure that we consider the profitability of the career as well. This will ensure that we don't get tired along the line.

There is also the need to know the time frame of the career that we want to choose. There are some careers that don't always last and fade away with time or replace with other careers.