The traditional home medicine cabinet

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When I was young I was fascinated by the medicine cabinet. The cover (or door) is a mirror which we use in the bathroom. Inside the cabinet are the usual medical items like aspirin, band-aid, alcohol and plaster. The medicine cabinet was placed high on the eye level of an adult to prevent small kids in tinkering with it.

Now I have noticed that some homes have no medicine cabinet. Their reason is the convenience of buying what they need when the need arises. When someone is cut you need wound cleanser like alcohol or oxygen peroxide and also a bandage or even a band-aid plaster. If your home has no medicine cabinet then install one. Our medicine cabinet has a set of paracetamol, band aid, patch for muscle pain, bandage and alcohol to name a few.
It's good to have drugs cabinet in the house. An emergency may arise and you may need to give yourself first aid before hospital. I think every home should have that and make sure it contains emergency drugs. It can be a life saver to you or to your children or important to any members of your families.
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