Affiliate marketing vs. traditional advertising

Leah Kelvin

Active member
Two of the most commonly used marketing strategies by businesses are affiliate marketing and traditional advertising, but the two approaches have differences in their approach, cost, and effectiveness. The advertisers only pay when they make sales; hence it is cheaper compared to traditional advertising. Traditional advertising incurs fixed costs regardless of the results obtained. On one hand, affiliate marketing employs partnerships to concentrate on a specific target market while traditional advertisements offer mass reach for various customers. While affiliate marketing is based on legitimacy and trust, skepticism may be noticed in the case of conventional advertisement. In addition, it has strong tracking and measurement options that can be carried out not like traditional advertising that is much less focused. As against this, affiliate marketing can easily adapt as well as scale up but the lead time for traditional ads is long.The best approach depends on factors such as target audience, goals, budget, and resources available to a business.