The Real Challenge For Women Breaking The Glass Ceiling


The idea of the "Glass Ceiling" has been around for a while and is still relevant today. For women, it might be difficult to overcome the glass ceiling and advance to leadership roles. But what does this mean? How can we achieve this goal? And most importantly.what are the risks involved?

The term "glass ceiling" describes the imperceptible restrictions that keep women from achieving leadership roles in businesses. Women make up less than 20% of Fortune 500 CEOs and less than 25% of senior executives worldwide.

The women who do break through these barriers are often labeled as "glass climbers" or "glass aspersers," which suggests that they're only able to move up because they were born into privilege, or because they had access to opportunities that weren't available to others. This is one of many myths about what it takes for women to succeed in business and it's time for us to rethink our assumptions about what makes a successful woman.

We must remember that this is just a custom and not a natural rule. It's not as if men are inherently better than women and that it's our job to overcome this natural inequality of power.

It's also important to remember that breaking into traditionally male-dominated fields is not just about going after your own career goals; it's about helping other women succeed too. When you take on new roles or opportunities, you're helping others see what they can be like and how they can contribute to society, rather than being limited by gender stereotypes.