The dangers presented by late marriage.


Late marriage, or marrying at an older age, can present a variety of dangers and challenges. One potential danger is a decreased ability to have children. Female fertility begins to decline in the mid-to-late 20s and more rapidly after the age of 35. Similarly, male fertility also decreases with age. This can make it more difficult for couples who marry later in life to conceive naturally and may require the use of assisted reproductive technologies, which can be costly and not always successful.

Another danger of late marriage is the potential for greater relationship challenges. People who marry later in life may have more set ideas about what they want in a partner and may be less willing to compromise. This can lead to increased conflict and a higher risk of divorce.

Additionally, late marriage can also have financial implications. People who wait until later in life to marry may have already established their own financial independence and may be less willing to merge their finances. This can lead to tension and financial problems within the relationship.

Overall, while there are no hard and fast rules about the "right" age to get married, it is important for couples to carefully consider the potential dangers and challenges of late marriage and to be prepared to address them.