The causes of blindness in childhood.


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Blindness in childhood, is unable to move without the help of somebody on a street or even with the aid of spectacles.
Children in this mode cannot be able to count fingers in an open hand on a black background at more than a distance of 1m.
Any child that blind cannot be able to do any occupation which involves direct vision.
This are causes of blindness. congenital syphilis.
trauma trachoma and glaucoma.
Prevention of blindness.
You can prevent blindness as a result of good environmental sanitation. Adequate immunization and also regular ophthamology consult.
So therefore you can assist a blind child to send them to a special school to learn brail writing.
They can attain any height in education using brail writing.
such a child are advised against study of sciences.
Proper care must be done in order to assist them and give them an encouragement words for their future hope.